I decided that life is about being happy, and not that I was unhappy but I had just realized that your surroundings have a huge influence on your happiness. I was home around family and friends and the beauty of Hawaii and I was truly Happy, so why not move back to Hawaii? Well... I found this "little piece of heaven" as my new neighbor Bev likes to say, right here in Arkansas.
"KC are you sure about this?" My sister Amy said, "You spend more time thinking about what color couch to buy than this, and this is a HOUSE!"
Well Amy was right, it was just 3 days after I had this wild idea that I had an accepted offer. Even a realitor friend that had looked at the house with me said "now why do you want to move? You have a nice house and what's so special about this place?" Not but 10 seconds later I whipped out my phone and took this short video
And this is why I want to move!
So not even 45 days later my mom was out and helping me pack up and move out to the country. I can't possibly thank my mom enough, she and I moved all my junk 20 miles down the road using nothing more than a Jeep with a 5x10' trailer and her Jetta. Ok we did use a Uhaul and some buddies to make one trip with all the large stuff, but other than that it was trip after trip after trip getting the house moved.
Then once we got to the new house it was full speed ahead on fixing up the house. You wouldn't think that a 4 year old house would need so much TLC but it did. We have been so busy this last month working on the house that i have been off the grid. We painted the entire interior, replaced all the carpet, mowed the lawn, had the biggest 4th of July party the neighbors had ever seen (after only living in the house for 3 days), changed all the blinds, mowed the lawn, ran 2 gas lines for a dryer and new gas stove, hung the TV along with inside and outside speakers, wiped down all 23 interior doors (thanks mom!), mowed the lawn, changed 2 broken windows, cleaned all the closets and kitchen cabinets, changed door locks, hung curtains, mowed the lawn, replaced all towel hangers and toilet seats, hung a hammock, cleaned out the hangar, started building a workshop and even mowed the lawn! (All 3 acres :)
So after all this work is it worth it? You betcha! I honestly couldn't stand the house when i bought it but I really didn't care, all I wanted was to be able to live with my plane (when I finish it) and the house is just a place to live. Well let me tell you, that has changed 100%! I still want to live with my plane but after the massive face lift that the house got, wow, I love this house! Being able to see plane come and go from the master bath, living room, kitchen and patio isn't thing short of amazing. I feel like a kid in a candy story, I get all excited every time I see a plane taxi/fly by.
Ok, ok show me the pictures already (yes I can read minds) well here you go.

This is the view from the cul-de-sac,

And here is from across the runway

This is the hanger before I bought it, as you can see you could easily fit three airplanes in here and that's an apartment in the far back that is approximately a thousand square feet

How's that for a view while you mow the yard?

This sure beats my old push mower!

There's mom, she sure loves to clean!

Bringing my baby home, next time she leaves she will be under her own power!

Here is the living room as we paint it
I will load more pictures soon but it's bed time and I wanted to load something for you all to see. But I'll leave you with these last 2. First I can't explain how incredibly nice everyone is out here, they have open there homes and shared their lives with me and I am nothing more than a new stranger. I can't capture with words the sense of community and family that this little piece of heaven has but it is absolutely one of a kind.

And this is the reason I moved, getting to watch the sunset from a J3 Cub that took off out of my own back yard, priceless.
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