This is Dad driving my Big Orange Tractor! I know the mower is not down, the grass is starting to grow a little slower and then it rain for a few days so he never got the chance to mow.
You can't see it but Dad is smiling ear to ear sitting in the back of SAMs J3 Cub, and the coolest part is this is my back yard! I don't think this will ever get old!!!
So after about 4 days of eating and riding around on the golf cart we decided to head to Amy's new place and check it out. It is a really nice place as well, even though there is no porch swing or hammock (yet) it does have ocean views and is only a house away from the beach!

Have no ear Amy put us to work during our short 5 day trip. I don' think I can even come close to naming all the projects she had for us but here are a few that come to mind:
Install ice maker in the freezer
Install track lighting
Mount 6'x5' picture 10' about the ground (yes it was a big picture)
Change out kitchen sink
Replace light fixtures in both bathrooms
Put door stops on all doors
Make all doors work and not squeak
Install a stand by generator for the house
Swap out countless switches so they work with all the new fluorescent bulbs we installed
Fix the dinning room chairs
Hang blinds over sky lights
Move dressers
Mount extra heavy mirrors on dressers
Hang black out curtains
And the list goes on and on
It's a wonder we had time to cook steaks twice, go to both Home Depot and Lowes each no less than 5 times, take the duck tour around Boston, see Plymouth Rock (see below) and manage to drink case after case of beer!

Dad and Amy admiring the incredible investigative work that was required to know exactly which rock the pilgrims stepped on first... Thankfully someone was smart enough to carve 1620 on the rock and put a fence around it so we would not get it confused with the other rocks surrounding it.
Well Dad had to leave back to Hawaii to work... Ahh never mind he is furloughed... Yea so this vacation that he took will end up being paid time off with out being charged any leave, wow I must be standing in the wrong line!
Now I am off to go see some dear friends in England, I know I know my life is not that bad either.
Wish everyone happiness and good health and I'll chat from the other side of the pond.
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