So I went dip netting for the first time and it was crazy, I caught 20, yes 20 reds in one day!!! That is well over 250 lbs of salmon. It was intense, you just stand out in the water with this huge net and wait for the salmon to swim into your net then BAM, you got one! Well there is a little skill involved as you drop the net on the fish then pull it out. If you try and scoop the fish out of the water you wont be able too, I mean this is a 20' pole with a 10+ lb fish! Some people tried to do that and the fish got away, I didn't let them out that easy ;) Today we are going to vacuums pack it and start freezing it. We are also going to try and can some and maybe make some salmon jerky too. I don't know why but josh wants to go and catch some more salmon... We already filled two big coolers up with fillets alone so I don't know where all this meat will go but he wants more. Maybe we can fish a little when we come back from our halibut charter, that's what I really want is halibut! I like salmon but love halibut.

I never thought I would be so excited about catching a fish....

Maile was there to help bonk the fish over the head, she did a great job!

I could not beleive the size of these things, they are huge!

Yes I ended up with 20 for the day, notice most of the big ones (almost all of them where huge) could not even fit in the cooler with out having to be bent, crazy!!! Then we needed to go to garbage bags as we filled 2 coolers with all ths salmon.
E got some video of me fishing and I'll post that once I get a copy of it, but this trip has been awesome so far and I even got my luggage today so no more excuses... I get to wear clean undies, hahaha! Just kidding but it will be nice to use my own soap and toothbrush :)
Till next time, Aloha!
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