26 July, 2010

It's HOT!!!

Well it's official, it's HOT!!! Here is the accuweather for today, if you don't believe me here is a link to the accuweather forecast.

Monday 7/26/2010
Hotter with sizzling sunshine
High Temperature: 109°F
RealFeel: 115°F

Today I went for a walk to the BBQ chow hall to get some good (better) food and Luke made a few comments on how long the walk was. It was only about 15 minutes but in the heat it did feel a bit longer. The food was ok, but not the best I have had here, the grilled chicken was the best today, I guess that is why Wes put 3 chicken breasts on his plate.

When the 3 of us were on our walk back Wes decided to by some new DVD from the bazzar, I guess it is some new movie that just hit the theaters, then the 3 of us went to find a geocache. I had tried to find this one before but no luck, after reading the hints the cache had moved but still no luck. We were all dripping sweat and I was getting a little frustrated that we could not find it. The neat thing was this cache is right on the wire and we climbed up and saw a house less than 100 yards from the fence. I guess I knew that we were close but I didn't really realize how close we are to the locals. There were a few kids out flying kites and I noticed that they are the same kits that are hanging in my room. I don't know the history of the kites in my room but maybe the person before was in contact with the locals more than me.

So after we got close to our rooms I was so hot that I needed to stop sweating. I went into our squadron break room and cooled down for a few minutes. The plan was to go and find the last few Geo's today but in this heat I really don't feel like walking around outside, in fact I don't feel like doing anything. The gym sounds nice till you walk inside and it's about 90 in the gym, I just don't feel like sweating that much today. My room is surprisingly cool, don't have a thermometer but it feels less than 85 and as sad as that is it feels cool.

I think I will jut try and read in my room today, if it gets too hot I might go to one of the other areas on base where they have better air conditioning and hang out there till the sun goes down.
I hope everyones weekend went well and everyone is enjoying the summer time fun, I am trying here but it's just not the same as being home.

Oh I don't think I posted this yet but these are some of the mountains that we fly by over here, yes they are very tall, 22,000+ feet! And there are others that push 27,000 in the area! Yea notice the snow, remember the temperature... Yea these mountains make the rockies look like foot hills!

OK time to get some real work done, Aloha!

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