26 June, 2010


I made it to Romania and as soon as I checked in to the hotel and had some breakfast we headed out to find a cache in this country. We were 0 for 2 at first and that was pretty disappointing as I was trying to show 2 friends what geocaching was all about.

But then we hit it big, yea the first (and only) cache we found was in a nice park. There were other caches nearby but people were cutting trees down right were we needed to go =( Any way it was a lot of fun and we got to see the world's second largest building, The Palace of the Parliment Yea it was pretty big!

I think this is the front, this thing was so huge that any of the sides could be the front!

And I think this is the side profile, note how huge this place is, I guess that's why it's the second biggest, time to find the #1 biggest...

After walking around for a few hours I am back in my room trying to decide when I need to sleep as I will be leaving soon for more flying.

Just wanted to give you all an update when I could. Aloha!

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